Tsunami: The Aftermath

A tale of personal loss, survival and hope, TSUNAMI, THE AFTERMATH follows a group of fictional characters whose lives are irrevocably transformed by...

Starring: Tim Roth, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Sophie Okonedo, Hugh Bonneville, Gina McKee, Samrit Machielsen, Grirggiat Punpiputt, Toni Collette, Kate Ashfield, Aure Atika, Jack Barton, Schwis Bhokhahhanes, Tanapol Chuksrida, Leon Ford, Glacian Jarusomboon
Genre: Drama
Countries: UK, USA
Directors: Bharat Nalluri
Release Date: November 28, 2006
Runtime: 111 min
IMDb Rating: Tsunami: The Aftermath (2006) on IMDb

3.50/5 - (8 Votes)

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